Do you need an inner, out and keepers for you belt set up?
Limited Time if you buy an Inner and Outer belt we will give you FREE 4 pack of keepers Link is here "Free Duty Belt Keepers"
Your duty belt is one of the most important pieces of gear you need daily. One of the most common questions we are asked is if an inner belt and keepers are needed with an outer duty belt. I'm going to try and tackle that question in a few different scenarios.
Inner Belts - Outer Duty Belts - Duty Belt Keepers
Inner Duty Belts:
1) Inner duty belts are normally 1.5 wide. There are some brands who make smaller width belts.
2) The inner belts have a soft Velcro around the outside. At 911 gear we added harder velcro on the opposite side to allow you to use aith any belt manufacturer. Some manufacturers have made the insides of their belts soft and their inners hard velcro. Our set up allows you to wear with any outer belt. The Velcro allows the inner belt to attach to the outer belt that has hard Velcro on the hold them in place
Outer Duty Belts:
1) Are 2" to 2.5" wide
2) Come in leather or nylon.
3) duty belts are 2", have a rigid polymer insert inside to reduce the number of bens in your belt. This is especially important when wearing heavy items like batons, handcuffs and or weapons.
4) Usually have soft Velcro inside the outer belt to help attach to the soft velcro on the outside of the inner belt. Confusing.... I had to read it over a few times as well.
5) Removable buckles can be made of metal or a plastic buckle that has multiple points to press to release.
6) Belts are attached by threading the outer belt through the loops on the back of the belt. Pouches and holsters are threaded onto the belts through the loops attached to the pouches.
Duty Belt Keepers
1) Can fit 2” to 2.5-inch belts.
2) Can be made of nylon or leather
2) Use snaps to hold together
3) Place under inner belt and over outer belt and secured.
*** Expect to spend $70.00 plus for inner and outer duty belt plus an additional $20 for keepers. At 911 Gear you can purchase an Inner duty belt, outer duty belt for $39.99 and we will throw in a 4 pack of duty belt keepers for FREE. …. YES… FREE.
Should you spend $80 plus on an inner, outer and keepers? Only you know what your budget is, and do you want to spend more on your belt or less on your belt and the added cost on things you may not be issued like duty gloves, LED flashlights or duty belt pouches? We carry all of those at
Tactical / Duty Pants
There are several different kinds of uniform pants you will run into. All tac pants will have belt loops. These loops come in a couple of different sizes, thin small ones, and larger wide ones.
1) The thin belt loops are often less than 2" wide and will only fit an inner belt of 1.5" or less. No outer belt will fit into those loops on your tac pants.
2) Then there are tactical pants that have the larger loops that will fit a 2" belt. These loops are often 1 inch to 2 inches wide alone. Some are sewn on top and bottom and some some sewn on either the top or bottom and have button attachment on the opposite side. These will fit an outer belt.
Thin Belt loops
Thin loops will have between 4-8 thin loops for your inner belt to go through. This often depends on the manufacturer. Some will minimize the number of loops to keep costs down. High end TAC pants like 5.11 tactical pants I wear have 7 loops. They are at most an inch to a bit more than an inch across. They will not fit any belts wider than a 1.5" inner belt. With some tac pants having a loose fit and inner belt to hold your pants up is a good idea.
Do you need an inner belt with these pants the answer is no. Should you have one with keepers the answer is yes. Here is why. If you have any attachments on your belt especially handcuffs, batons and firearms your belt will be heavy. With an inner belt under neath your outer belt will have something to stick too although not for long due to the weight. Keepers will hold your belt to your inner belt which is being held to your pants by the loops you put your inner belt through on your pants.
Thick Belt loops
Some tac pants may have thick outer belt loops. Some are sewn at top and bottom, and some will be sewn on one side and a button or snap on the other. The idea is to put your belt through the loops and then attach the loops to your belt. The pants will then hold your belt up. The issue with this is the width of the loops restrict the amount of gear you can hold on to your belt because f their width. They position of the loops may also restrict placement of pouches or tools used on your belt. If your outer belt loops are sewn you will need to take off all attachments on your belt, place belt through your loops attaching your equipment as you go. Can anyone else see an issue with this?
Advantages to Inner - Outer and keepers together
The combination of an inner duty belt, outer duty belt and keepers makes things easier you. The inner belt inside your pants loops with the outer attached to the it with both the Velcro and the keepers allows you to remove the outer belt by just removing the keepers. This makes it easier at the end of a shift to take your belt off or when you really have to go lol.
Limited Time if you buy an Inner and Outer belt from us we will give you FREE 4 pack of keepers Link is here "Free Duty Belt Keepers"
How to Wear a Duty Belt?
The steps required to put on a duty belt usually vary, depending on the type of buckle. Duty belts or tactical belts come in a variety of buckle designs. You can, for example, choose duty belts with snap buckles, frame buckles, hook, and loop buckles, and so on. Eventually, you will use different methods/steps to put on a duty belt for each buckle design.
Do you want to easily learn how to wear a duty belt? Some important steps to wearing a duty belt (covering nearly all buckle designs) are as follows:
In order to remove the duty belt, simply reverse the preceding steps. If you want to own one, visit our website and get started!
Tactical Police Duty Belt Setup
Duty belts and other equipment are essential components for law enforcement officers. Every piece of equipment they dress-up has a higher value. However, setting up a duty belt can be an uphill task, especially if you have no prior experience. Some technical knowledge is required to determine how items will be placed on the duty belt.
If you don't know how to set up a duty belt, you may find yourself in stressful situations. For example, if the gear is placed incorrectly, you may be able to access it incorrectly or not at all.
The following are vital steps for a complete tactical police duty belt setup: